Holy Spirit Catholic Parish was a Catholic Community unlike any of us had ever experienced. It was a parish truly alive with the Holy Spirit. It had over 100 very active ministries. This all changed on June 18, 2003, when our bishop, Raymundo Peña, sent his diocesan employees into our parish to fire all of our staff. These firings were done in retaliation for their having joined a Union. Our archives, begining in July of 2003, provides the complete history.
Yes, and our bishop’s decision to endorse a war against a country that was not even responsible for 9/11 has now caused the death of over 40,000 people, most of them innocent women and children. How in God's name can a bishop of the Catholic Church condone that! Thank God the last two Popes and the United States Council of Catholic Bishops has strongly denounced this unjust war!
I am absolutely flabbergasted by our Bishop's article. It is no wonder that our Church is in such shambles!
As one who slams the bishop for his many failings, as Jesus slammed the bishop's moral ancestors in Israel, I must come to his defense in this case. If you read the article carefully the bishop does not mention the war on Iraq, but the war on terror. To his defense he states such things as "we may absolutely never resort to terror" and we must "constantly look to alternatives to war".
Although the bishop could say much more about how wrong our country is in this 'war on terror' and the totally separate war on Iraq, he is not supporting the war in Iraq in this column. Compared to the drivel he usually writes, this is an improvement. If the high priests around during Jesus' time wrote the same, Jesus might say there was hope for them!
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