Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Parishioners Rally Around Deacon

“I don’t question why. I just accept and say ‘yes’.
Just like an obedient child.”

Here is the Link to The Monitor article:

Go all the way to the very bottom of the article to leave a comment.


Anonymous said...

If a man can humble himself by exposing his hurt and forgive those who hurt him then it is time for you Gerald Brazier and Ann Cass to forgive. Get over yourselves. You seek honor and glory for yourselves. It is the look what I can do mommy syndrome. You have forgotten about GOD. I pray that you all stop your attacks. For he who does not forgive will not be forgiven. If you don't like Holy Sprit then go become a protestant. They like to protest all the time. You will feel at home.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with these people? I felt sick to my stomach when I read this article. Any other abuser would be in jail. These pedophiles just get moved to other parishes so that they can destroy more souls! Why hasn't the law gotten involved?

Anonymous said...

"Iris Rodriguez, who has regularly attended Holy Spirit for about four years, said she believed that Gerbermann was entitled to his opinions, and that those who have denounced him should have respected his right to hold those views."

I would agree with Ms. Rodriguez. Deacon Gerberman is entitled to his opinions, however when he is at the pulpit, he should not be preaching his own opinions on the matters. If he would like to tell you about his thoughts on the Church's sex scandal when he is having dinner with you, by all means.
The difference is, that by professing his opinion during a homily, he is implying that the church believes and supports his "opinion" and that we should too.

It is also interesting to note that Ms. Rodriguez has been attending Holy Spirit for a lengthy 4 years, which means she entered the parish probably around July 2003.

Anonymous said...

You go Ben!!! Just when I think that I have heard it all from the people left at Holy Spirit I read the Monitor and too get sick to my stomach. Yes we should learn to forgive, but that does not mean that we should allow predators to go free!!!

Anonymous said...

Go for it Jerry and Ann and all the rest of you! You are doing the right thing. Do not fear to hope for a better church!