Don't Miss This!
The Annual
Holy Spirit Peace & Justice
Pax Christi
Affirmation Night
Saturday, May 12, 2007
7:00 pm, First Christian Church
Click HERE for more details.
Holy Spirit Catholic Parish was a Catholic Community unlike any of us had ever experienced. It was a parish truly alive with the Holy Spirit. It had over 100 very active ministries. This all changed on June 18, 2003, when our bishop, Raymundo Peña, sent his diocesan employees into our parish to fire all of our staff. These firings were done in retaliation for their having joined a Union. Our archives, begining in July of 2003, provides the complete history.
Posted by
5:49 PM
I heard that the old choir has been invited to sing. I can hardly wait to hear their voices again. Please tell me that it is true!
The choir WILL be there.
Just too bad - too sad - that the event cannot be held in our own church!
Re: Affirmation
Pax Christi is a National CATHOLIC Peace and Justice organization. Dave Robinson (speaker) is Executive Editor of The CATHOLIC Peace Voice, a national CATHOLIC Peace News Magazine.
Just because of the group that is putting this on, it must be held at a non-Catholic church.
If that doesn't speak volumes about the nature of our bishop and pastor, I don't know what does! I am so sick of them playing their games.
HELLO - GROW UP! Your little games are causing people to leave the Catholic Church!
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